The Holy Quran, the Ultimate Complete Software of Your Life
The Holy Quran is the last and final Revelation from Allah which is the Ultimate software that functions as an operating software and Anti-virus software that not only brings our dead hearts to life but also cleanse all our internal and external viruses like, Hate, Jealousy, Anger,Greed and etc from our system. Brings us back in contact with our Creator and tells us of our purpose of existence and our mission on this Earth. And it also guides and tells us what happens after we depart from this Earth and what will be the outcome of every single action we did on this Earth.
So you better Read it, Ponder over it, Understand it, and finally apply it in your life, because we have only one Chance.
Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. The corpus provides two levels of analysis:
morphological annotation and a
syntactic treebank. Word-by-Word Quran - maps out the syntax of the entire Quran, with analysis and translation
Quranic Grammar - traditional Arabic grammar (
إعراب) illustrated using dependency graphs

This is one of the best project of the Quran for all those lovers of the Word of Allah and May Allah reward and bless those who put all this together. It is an amazing work and very usefull. Please everyone visit the site and make use of it. All these types of quranic projects, whether it is Tafseer, Translations into almost every language, Transliteration, Grammer, Quranic Language and etc. leaves no possible reason not to learn the Book of Allah. It seems like Allah is providing the human beings with every possible means and access to reach to His Holy Book and so that we can not argue and reason and put forward lame reasons on the Day of Judgement that we did not have access to His Book due to various barriers of language or etc.
Click here to visit Quranic Arabic Corpus
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